Drills For Volleyball Hitters

Drills For Volleyball Hitters

Volleyball hitters can perform a variety of drills to hone their abilities. These are a few instances:

  1.  Approach and Hit: The hitter takes a set from the setter, walks to the net from the back row, and hits the ball over the net in this simple practice. The hitter’s movement, speed, and skill should be the main points of attention.
  2. Block and Hit: In this exercise, the hitter blocks the ball headed for the net and then swiftly switches to hitting the next ball over the net. The hitter’s power and flexibility are enhanced as a result.
  3. Cross-court hitting: The hitter practices hitting the ball across the court in this drill. Accuracy and power should be the main priorities.
  4. Line hitting: In contrast to cross-court hitting, the hitter in this exercise concentrates on sending the ball straight down the line.
  5. Hitting off a block: In this exercise, the batter must hit the ball off the hands of the blocker. Aiming for unoccupied areas of the court should be the main priority.
  6. Hitting against a defense: This exercise simulates game conditions where the hitter is required to hit against a complete defense. Finding open spaces on the court and hitting with strength and precision should be the main goals
  7. Transition hitting: In this exercise, the hitter works on swiftly switching from protection to assault and hitting the ball over the net. Accuracy and speed should be the main priorities.
  8. Dig and hit: In this exercise, the hitter begins in a defensive stance, digs the ball, and then switches to hitting the subsequent ball over the net. This exercise enhances the hitter’s defensive capabilities and quickness in switching to offense.
  9. Serve to receive and hit: This exercise simulates game circumstances when the hitter must first accept a serve before attempting to hit the ball over the net. The emphasis should be on hitting with force precision and accurate passing.
  10. Swing blocking: In this exercise, the batter will practice swing blocking by leaping and sweeping their arms to block the ball. Timing and hand location should be the main concerns.
  11. Cut shot hitting: This exercise focuses on making a shot that is tilted downward and across the court, known as a cut shot. Technique and precision should be the main priorities.
  12. Roll shot hitting: In this exercise, the batter hits the ball with a soft, low trajectory to a predetermined area of the court. Finesse and precision should be the main priorities.
  13. Continuous hitting: In this drill, the hitter practices hitting a steady stream of balls that are thrown to them by a coach or a partner. Maintaining good technique and consistency should be the major priorities.

Keep in mind to perform these exercises frequently and to concentrate on enhancing particular parts of your game. You may develop your strength and volleyball hitting by putting up a lot of effort and staying dedicated.

Volleyball Outside Hitter Tips

In volleyball, your primary responsibility as an outside hitter is to earn points by attacking the ball from the left side of the court. Here are some pointers to help you improve as an outside hitter:

  1. Update your footwork: Updating your footwork will help you move more quickly and effectively around the court as an outside hitter. To increase your agility and speed, improve footwork techniques including lunging, pivoting, and shuffling. To support this, invest in the best volleyball shoes designed for optimal performance.
  2. Improve your strategy: Your three-step approach is what you do before you jump to hit the ball. To make sure you have proper timing and can generate power in your swing, practice your approach.
  3. Improve your hitting technique: You need to be able to hit the ball with both strength and precision in order to be a successful outside hitter. Practice diverse swings, such as line strokes and cross-court shots, to improve your hitting technique.
  4. Practice your jump: A successful outside hitter needs a big vertical jump, so work on it. Do jumping drills and plyometric activities to improve your leap.
  5. Communicate with your setter: In order to ensure that you are getting the ball in the proper position for hitting, you must communicate with your setter frequently as an outside hitter. Tell your setter where you want the ball to be set by communicating with them.
  6. Maintain your concentration: As a batter, you must be able to read the defense and alter your swing as necessary. To ensure that you are making the appropriate choices on the court, maintain mental attention throughout the entire game.
  7. Create a range of shots: An outside hitter needs to be able to hit the ball in a variety of ways to keep the protection off balance. To increase variation to your game, exercise hitting various strokes, such as roll shots, tips, and off-speed strikes.
  8. Be prepared for the block: As the outside hitter, you will frequently encounter a block from the middle and outside blockers of the other team. By observing the motions of the blockers, you can anticipate the block and alter your approach and striking angle to hit around it.

You can assist your squad to win more matches by using these suggestions to improve as an outside hitter.

Opposite Hitter Volleyball Position

The right-side batter is another name for the opposite hitter in volleyball. On the right side of the court, across from the setter, is where this player typically plays.

In order to score points, the opposite batter must assault the ball, typically from the back row. On the playing field’s left side, they are also expected to obstruct the opposing team’s hitters. The opposing hitter must be an effective server, able to produce precise and potent serves, in addition to their duties on offense and defense.

In volleyball, the opposite hitter is a crucial position, and a strong opposing hitter can significantly impact a team’s performance.

How Tall Are Opposite Hitters In Volleyball?

In volleyball, there is no set height restriction for opposite hitters. A volleyball player’s height, including that of the opposing hitter, can vary depending on a number of variables, including their age, skill level, and physical characteristics.

Since they must be able to jump high in order to knock the ball over the net and block their opponents, opposite hitters typically have a tall and athletic build. But, there are also a lot of effective opposite hitters who aren’t exceptionally tall but make up for it with their technique, quickness, and jumping abilities.

At the professional level, contrary hitters often stand between 6 feet and 6 feet 8 inches tall (1.83 meters) (2.03 meters). There are numerous exceptions, though, and players that fall outside of this range in height or stature can nevertheless succeed in this position.

Outside Hitter Volleyball Position

In volleyball, the outside hitter is often referred to as the left-side hitter or flank sword wielder. On the front left side of the court, the outside hitter is in charge of both opposing teams.

The outside hitter is usually one of the team’s main offensive players, receiving sets from the setter to hit the ball over the net and into the court of the opposition. To score points for their team, the outside hitter needs to be able to leap high and hit the ball hard and precisely.

The outside hitter is in charge of retrieving the ball when the losing team hits it over the net and stopping the opposing team’s attacks. To cover the court and predict where the ball will go, they must be swift and nimble.

The outside volleyball hitter position is crucial to a volleyball team’s strategy since they frequently serve as the go-to scorer and can aid in positioning their teammates for attacks.

Volleyball Outside Hitter Drills

The following volleyball outside hitter drills can help you advance your abilities:

  1. Hitting Lines: A setter is placed on the other side of the net from the line of hitters in this traditional drill called “hitting lines.” The first hitter in line receives the ball after the coach passes it to the setter. Once there, the hitter swings over the net with the ball. The next batter in line then rotates to the rear of the line and prepares to hit. Outside hitters can improve their strategy, speed, and hitting skills by using this drill.
  2. Blocker vs. Hitter: In the drill “Blocker vs. Hitter,” the coach positions a blocker on one side of the net and a hitter on the other. The blocker leaps in an effort to deflect the hitter’s blow. The attacker attempts to hit over or around the blocker. Outside hitters can prepare for hitting in challenging circumstances, including hitting around a blocker, with the help of this drill.
  3. Dig and Hit: In this exercise, a coach or teammate wills a ball to the outside hitter who is positioned in the back row. The outside hitter will then need to dig the ball and switch right away to an overhead approach. Outside hitters can switch from defense to offense with the aid of this drill.
  4. Tip and Roll Shots: In this exercise, many shot types are hit. The outside hitter must make a tip shot, a roll shot, or a powerful hit after receiving the ball from the coach or a teammate. This exercise teaches outside batters how to take various shots and when to employ them in a game.
  5. Serve receive and attack: In this exercise, the coach serves the ball to the outside hitter, who must take the serve and then change from defense to attack. This exercise teaches outside hitters how to improve their serve-receive techniques and rapidly switch from defensive line to attacking.
  6. Reading the Block: In this exercise, the hitter is blocked by the coach or a teammate. The hitter then has to read the block and strike the ball appropriately. For instance, the hitter should try to hit around the blocker if it is in the line of the approach. Outside hitters can improve their court recognition and judgment abilities with the help of this drill.
  7. Cross-Court Hitting: In this exercise, a target is set up on the opposing side of the court by the instructor or a teammate, and the outside hitter is required to hit the ball there. This exercise gives outside hitters steps to ensure powerful, accurate cross-court strokes.
  8. Three-Step Attack: In this exercise, the outside hitter practices striking the ball in three steps. This exercise aids outside batters in honing their timing and footwork.
  9. Block-Off Attack: In this exercise, the coach or a colleague sets up a block, and the outside hitter is required to hit the ball off the hands of the blocker. This exercise teaches outside hitters how to take advantage of the block and strike the ball more precisely.
  10. Competitive Game Situations: Last but not least, outside hitters should hone their talents by practicing in competitive game settings. The outside hitter must hit in a variety of game-like conditions during scrimmage games or drills. They will be able to practice under pressure and in actual game situations thanks to this.

Don’t forget to mix up these exercises and make it difficult for the outside hitter to advance in skill development.

How Tall Are Outside Hitters In Volleyball?

The outside hitter position in volleyball does not have a set height requirement because it calls on a variety of abilities, including hitting, passing, and defense. Outside hitters, on the other hand, are often taller than other players on the court, with average heights of 6’2” to 6’7″ (188cm to 201cm) for men and 5’10” to 6’3″ (178 cm to 191cm) for women. Although height helps outside hitters succeed because it enables them to reach higher and hit the ball with more force, it is not the sole determinant.

The left side of the court is where outside hitters, often referred to as left-side hitters, are in charge of attacking the ball. They are usually the team’s main scoring option, and it is their responsibility to score by hitting the ball over or through the opponents’ blockers.

Outside batters can benefit from being taller, but there are other things that can affect how successful they are at the position. For instance, outside hitters must be swift and nimble in order to get around the court quickly and position themselves to strike the ball. To produce strength and control on their hits, they also need to have strong arms and good jumping shoes and skills.

Outside hitters need strong volleyball IQ in addition to physical prowess; they must comprehend the rules of the game and be able to read the defense in order to make wise choices on the court. Knowing when to tip the ball over the block, when to swing forcefully, and when to target particular parts of the court are all examples of this.

In general, outside hitters who possess a balance of physical prowess, volleyball Intellect, and mental toughness are the best. While being tall may be helpful, it is not the sole element that impacts performance in this role.

How To Be A Hitter In Volleyball?

In volleyball, hitting success involves a blend of physical prowess, mental attention, and cooperative play. Here are some pointers to improve your hitting:

  1. Know the fundamentals: To create a consistent hitting motion, start by honing your footwork, arm swing, and jump technique. Practice striking on the court from a variety of positions and angles.
  2. Become familiar with the setter: In order to be in the best possible position to strike the ball, hitters must be able to predict where the setting will place the ball. To determine where the ball will likely land, pay attention to the setter’s posture and body language.
  3. Stay in touch with your setter: Build a relationship with your setter and get to know each other’s tendencies. Inform your setter of your preferred ball-striking locations and net-approaching techniques.
  4. Improve your timing: Develop your timing because it’s essential for hitting success. To reach the ball at the top of your jump, improve timing your approach. To understand how to change your timing to avoid being blocked, practice hitting against a block.
  5. Be resilient mentally: Hitting can be stressful, especially when the game is tight. Keep your confidence and focus, and don’t let mistakes derail you. Be optimistic and learn from your failures.
  6. Play as a team: Hitting is only one aspect of the game. Work with your colleagues to create possibilities for successful hits by being willing to assist with other duties including serving, passing, and blocking.

You can excel as a volleyball hitter by developing these qualities and abilities. Always practice regularly, maintain a positive attitude, and cooperate with your colleagues.

How To Become a Better Volleyball Hitter?

It involves physical preparation, technique development, and learning to improve one’s volleyball hitting and need best hitter traning equipments. The following advice will help you get better:

  1. Be mindful of your strategy: Your hitting strategy depends heavily on your approach. To maximize your jump and generate power, make sure your approach is consistent.
  2. Improve your timing because it’s essential for hitting. Exercise hitting at various tempos and work on your timing with your setter.
  3. Implement your footwork because it’s important for hitting. Improve your footwork to position yourself to hit the ball in the most effective way possible.
  4. Increase your arm swing: Increasing your arm swing will give you more force when you strike the ball. Swing your arm through the ball as forcefully as possible.
  5. Develop your strength and stamina because volleyball is a strenuous sport. Exercises like squats, lunges, and plyometrics can help you increase your strength and stamina.
  6. Examine your rivals: You can become a more proficient striker by being aware of your opponents’ advantages and disadvantages. Observe game footage and pay attention to the blocking and defending techniques of your rivals.
  7. Improve your mental toughness because volleyball requires both physical and mental toughness. Focus on cultivating a positive outlook, mental fortitude, and self-assurance.

Keep in mind that improving as a volleyball hitter requires time, effort, and practice. You will see an increase in your hitting skills if you continue to learn in these areas.

How To Get Better at Hitting Volleyball at Home?

You may work on your volleyball striking technique at home in a number of different ways. To get you started, consider these suggestions:

  1. Refine your footwork because it’s crucial for volleyball and you should establish solid habits early on. Work on moving swiftly and effectively, and concentrate on positioning yourself to smash the ball.
  2. Improve your arm movement: Hitting a volleyball requires a strong arm swing. Use a rehearsal net or a wall to perfect your swing. With your arm fully extended, swing it away from the wall or net at a distance of a few feet. You can improve strength and establish good form as a result.
  3. Set a goal: Practice striking the ball into a target you’ve set up (like a hoop or a bucket). This will aid in your accuracy improvement and provide you with a target to work for.
  4. Improve your timing: Time is key while hitting a volleyball, therefore perfect it. Perform striking the ball at the highest point possible while hitting it against a wall or a practice net to enhance your timing.
  5. Observe Videos: See how volleyball players strike the ball by watching videos of them. Take note of their posture, timing, and footwork, and try to apply some of their approaches to your own practice.

Keep in mind that it takes time and effort to improve your volleyball hitting abilities, so be persistent and patient. 


In conclusion, volleyball hitter workouts are crucial to enhancing their prowess on the court. These exercises aid in the development of a hitter’s timing, accuracy, power, and technique, all of which are essential components of a successful batter. To challenge and improve their performance, coaches and players should mix up their drills during practice. It is significant to remember that persistence and commitment are essential for volleyball success and advancement.

For more information, read Volleyball Mania blogs on how hitters can enhance their entire game and help their team succeed by consistently doing these routines.

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