Volleyball Serving Rules

Volleyball Serving Rules

A well-liked game that is enjoyed throughout the globe is volleyball. The purpose of the game, which is played by two teams of six players each, is to hit the ball over the net and land it on the other team’s side of the court. The serve is one of the most important components of the game since it starts each rally and gives the serving team a big advantage. We will talk about the volleyball serving rules that players must adhere to:

1. Positioning

Prior to serving, the server must be positioned behind the court’s end line. Before the ball is hit, they are unable to cross the line.

2. Contact

Only one hand or one arm may make contact with the ball; other body parts are not permitted.

3. Serve Type

The server may employ either an underhand or an overhand serve, but if using an underhand serve, they must make the ball touch with their body below the waistline.

4. Serve Rotation

Every member of the serving team is required to serve in a certain rotation order. A point is lost and the ball is sent over to the opposing team if a player serves before their turn.

5. Net Contact

The ball needs to jump over the net and touch down on the court of the opposition. It counts as a legal serve if the ball touches the net while being served and moves to the other team’s side. Nonetheless, it is a mistake if the ball misses the opponent’s court and instead strikes the net.

6. Foot Fault

 Before or during the serve, the server is not allowed to touch the court or the finish line with their foot or any other part of their body.

7. Service Fault

If the server makes any of the aforementioned errors, the opposite team scores a point and  receives the serve.

Volleyball Serving Rules Catching the Toss

There are certain guidelines for serving and catching tosses in volleyball. These fundamental guidelines are:

  1. Using one hand or any other part of the arm, the server must throw the ball into the air and hit it over the net.
  2. A clean release from the hand is required for the throw, and it cannot be caught or held during the serve.
  3. The opposition team receives a point and the serve if the server catches or retains the ball during the toss, which is regarded as a mistake.
  4. During the serve, the server may not touch the court or the finish line until the ball has been touched.
  5. Once they acquire it from the umpire or the initial argument has concluded, the server has eight seconds to serve the ball.

It’s vital to remember that serving regulations can change based on the level of competition and the particular league or organization where the game is being played. Before taking part in a volleyball game or supervising one, it’s wise to become familiar with the unique rules.

Can the Libero Serve?

The libero is a fantastic defender who mostly serves, recovers aces, and plays defense in the game of volleyball. The question of whether or not a libero can serve, however, has generated some misunderstanding and discussion.

It is important in order to provide answers to this question first to comprehend the libero’s function in volleyball. In order to improve the sport’s defensive component, the libero was added to the game in the late 1990s. The libero may switch out any player in the last line without it being counted as a replacement. This indicates that, in addition to the libero replacement, the team may use a total of six substitutions per set.

The primary responsibilities of the libero are serving, receiving, and playing defense. They are not permitted to attack or block, however, they are permitted to set the ball if it is the initial contact and serve in a single circumstance.

In Which Situation Can the Libero Serve?

The libero can only serve in one circumstance, which is when they rotate to the serving position, according to volleyball rules. When this occurs, the libero can step in and serve for one of the back-row players. The libero must go back to the back row after the serve is finished, and the player who was substituted must re-enter the match.

The libero can serve up to six times per set if they move to the serving position each time, as this circumstance can only happen once per rotation. It’s crucial to remember, too, that not all teams use the libero to serve because they can have other players who are better at doing so.

This regulation is in place to prevent the libero from becoming a specialist server, as doing so would go against the position’s overall philosophy of being primarily concerned with protection. In addition to giving the team an unfair advantage, enabling the libero to serve more than once per revolution would add an extra serving specialist to the court.

The rule should be amended, according to some, to permit the libero to play more than once throughout a rotation. They contend that the libero is a talented athlete who ought to be permitted to participate in all facets of the match, including serving. Yet, the current regulation makes sure that the libero stays a defensive expert, which is what the position calls for.

The libero is allowed to serve, but they are only allowed to do so once every rotation when they move to the serving position. This regulation was put in place to make sure the libero stays a defensive specialist and doesn’t transition into a serving specialist. In the team sport of volleyball, each position has a certain function to fulfill. The libero’s duties include serving and playing defense, and they are excellent in these capacities. Despite the fact that they might not be able to serve as often as other players, their importance to the team’s success cannot be understated.

Can You Block A Serve In Volleyball?

Two teams of six players each compete in volleyball, a sport that moves quickly and dynamically. To earn rewards, you must get the ball to contact the ground on the side of the court where your competitor is standing. Each rally begins with the serve, which is an essential element of the game. In volleyball, the subject of whether it is acceptable to block a serve frequently comes up. The article will elaborate in extensive detail on the subject and examine the relevant laws and tactics.

The short answer is that you can block a serve in volleyball. The FIVB (the Federation Internationale de Volleyball) regulations state that any ball that is totally on the other team’s side of the net is eligible for a block. This includes the serve, hence it is acceptable for a player to try to block an opponent’s serve.

Rules For Blocking A Serve

Nonetheless, there are a few crucial considerations to make before blocking a serve.

  1. The blocker must not obstruct the other team’s attempt to serve the ball. In other words, the blocker cannot touch the ball until it enters its own court and crosses the net. A “net fault” occurs when a blocker touches the ball before it crosses the net, and the serving side is given the point as a result.
  2. The maximum number of contacts permitted during a service is a crucial regulation to take into account. Each team in volleyball is given a total of three attempts to retrieve the ball to the opponent’s net. Players must smash the ball over the net within the two additional touches if they attempt to block the serve and touch the ball; this qualifies as one of the team’s three connections. This can be a difficult assignment because it restricts the alternatives for attacking the ball, which is especially true for novice players.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Blocking A Serve

After going over the guidelines for blocking a serve, let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.


  • Blocking a serve can be an effective tactic, particularly when playing against a poor server. 
  • When the serve is blocked, the serving team is under strain and may find it difficult to gather momentum again. 
  • It additionally serves as an excellent way to thwart the opponent’s strategy and win the game.


  • But, as it necessitates exact time and posture, blocking a serve may also be dangerous. 
  • The serving team may receive an easy point if the blocker misses the ball totally due to poor timing or being in the wrong place when they jump. 
  • Blocking a serve also demands a lot of concentration and anticipation, which may be mentally taxing.

It’s important to note that some athletes and trainers choose not to block the serve because doing so can divert attention from accepting the serve and preparing an attack. Instead, they choose a more passive strategy, letting the opposition serve while concentrating on catching the ball and preparing an assault.

To sum up, blocking a serve is permitted in volleyball, but it must be done carefully and in accordance with the regulations. Although it can be a successful technique, it also has a number of dangers and disadvantages. The decision to block a serve ultimately comes down to the preferences of the player and coach as well as the current circumstance. To master this technique and make the best choices on the court, practice and experience are essential as with any part of volleyball.

Net Serve Rule Volleyball

Volleyball is an organized game that calls for accuracy, clarity of thought, and cooperation. The net serve rule is one of the most important components of this game, which is one of strategy and talent. To play the game properly, participants must thoroughly comprehend this rule, which specifies how a player can serve the ball over the net.


  • A player cannot contact the net with either of their body parts while serving the ball, according to the volleyball net serve rule. They commit a violation and give the opposition team a point if they do so. To protect fair play and stop any player from obtaining an undue edge, this regulation was put in effect.
  • A player must be positioned properly to serve the ball by being behind the end line and inside the court’s boundaries. The ball must then be tossed into the air by the server and struck with an outstretched palm or fist over the net. Without touching any portion of the net, the ball must cross it and land on the court of the other team.
  • The ball is returned to the receiving team for the ensuing serve if a player touches the net with any part of their body while serving, awarding a point to the other team. Depending on how serious the offense was, the offending player may be replaced and removed from the contest.
  • Serving the ball is not the only application of the net serve rule. Any player who makes contact with the net while the game is in progress is also subject to it. A player may continue to play the ball even if they touch the net while doing so if they hit the ball into the net and it bounces back into their court.
  • The requirement that the ball pass over the net and land inside the court of the other team is another significant component of the net serve regulation. A fault occurs and one point is awarded to the opposing team if the ball contacts the net and bounces back onto the server’s court. It is a finable offense if the ball strikes the net before crossing over into the other team’s court.
  • It’s also crucial to remember that as long as the ball lands in the court of the other team, it counts as a legal play even if it just brushes the net during serving. The server is free to serve again in this case because it was a “let” serve.

Other Rules

Following are various other rules that volleyball players must abide by in addition to the net serve rule. 

  • The three-touch rule, stipulates that a team may only touch the ball three times before it must be put over the net, and 
  • The rotation rule, which mandates that players switch positions on the court after each serve, are two examples.


Players must comprehend the net serve rule in order to play volleyball well. It is a crucial part of the game. It guarantees impartiality and prohibits unfair advantage for any player. In order for a play to be regarded as legitimate, the ball must cross the net and enter the court of the opposite team. Players are prohibited from touching the net when serving or playing the game. Players can have fun playing and compete at the greatest level by adhering to these regulations.

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